The face of Shamil in Akaki Gatserelia's prose

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Makvala Davitadze


Remarkable writer of the 20th century Akaki Gatserelia`s artistic work takes up a lot of space to show the face of Shamil , the face of a proud son of the mountain.

In general ,in the works of Georgian writers,  the face of Shamil appears to be a paradigm of disobedience and a hero  fighting for freedom. Akaki Gatserelia`s historical novels are created with this attitude.

The article contains artistic analysis of Akaki Gatserelia`s novels such as “One Day of the Imam”, “Imam in the lodge”, and “Bosco`s apprentice” .

The author`s goal  is to show the face of the hero Shamilstruggling for freedom on the one hand, and on the other hand to urge contemporaries to fight for freedom.

Akaki Gatserelia, stories and novels, Shamil, Caucasus, struggle for freedom
Published: Jan 9, 2021

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Literary Studies